Brand Ambassadors
Become a Cultural Style Week brand ambassador and share the beauty of your cultural heritage with the world!
The London-birthed, Cultural Style Week movement visually celebrates diversity by encouraging people to proudly showcase their unique cultural heritage through fashion, hair and beauty from 21-27 May.
It’s that one week in the year when we encourage people from all backgrounds to come together and wear their heritage!
We are looking for a wide range of diverse people from across the globe to become official ambassadors and help make Cultural Style Week a success. Apply Today!
Join Our Global Ambassador Programme
We want our brand ambassadors to be passionate about the cause and very proud of their cultural clothing.
Our brand ambassadors are integral to Cultural Style Week, and help raise awareness through leading by example and encouraging others to participate. Could this be you?
To take part you must:
Must have own clothing and accessories
Have an active Instagram, Facebook or TikTok account
Be able to attend a 'My Cultural Style' video shoot (UK based applicants)
Be able to film yourself talking about your cultural style and submit clips (All applicants)
Participation may involve:
Attending a video shoot
Recording your own content as directed and sending the footage
Sharing a video encouraging people from your cultural background to help showcase your country's national dress and cultural style during Cultural Style Week
Recording a message for the launch event
Tagging us in your social media stories across the week (21-27)
Taking part in an Instagram live activity during Cultural Style Week
Local event attendance
We encourage all to apply but please note that we will prioritise applications from countries/groups that have not been covered by us.
Previous brand ambassadors and ‘My Cultural Style’ participants have shared clothing and accessories from the following cultural backgrounds:
Nigeria - Yoruba
Afghanistan - Kuchi
Sri Lanka
Hanfu- Chinese
South Africa - Xhosa
Czech Republic
Apply today​
Please review all of the information on this page before applying.
Applications close on Tuesday 30 January 2024.