Parceiros de caridade
A Semana de Estilo Cultural nasceu para celebrar a diversidade dentro das culturas e para encorajar as pessoas a exibir com orgulho sua herança única com outras pessoas. Queremos ir mais longe e apoiar aqueles que foram desenraizados de seus países de origem e temos orgulho de fazer parceria com Refugee Action e Refugee Education UK, que fazem coisas incríveis para ajudar as pessoas nessas circunstâncias.
Continue lendo para saber mais sobre essas instituições de caridade incríveis e como você pode ajudar.

Refugee Action has supported refugees and people seeking asylum since 1981. They believe in humanity and help and support people who've survived some of the world's worst regimes including violence, disaster and persecution. Refugee Action helps those with refugee status to settle into their new homes and communities – everything from helping children into schools, to support booking doctor's appointments, and ensuring they get a hot meal when they arrive. They give expert advice and guidance to those struggling to navigate the failing and unfair asylum system helping them to uphold their human rights and live free from poverty. With Refugee Action beside them, they can build safe, productive lives in the UK.

Refugee Education UK equips young refugees and asylum seekers in the UK to build positive futures by thriving in education. For each of these young people, REUK offers guidance in overcoming the significant barriers to accessing education, supports their achievement of significant education outcomes and helps them use their education to create meaningful futures in leadership and employment. REUK’s flagship education mentoring programme matches young refugees with trained volunteer mentors across London, the East of England, Oxford and Birmingham; their educational wellbeing programme addresses the acute educational and mental health challenges that some young people face. The educational progression programme supports young people looking to access further and higher education, and their training programme upskills practitioners and professionals in supporting young refugees. REUK also conducts research in the UK and internationally on the subject of refugee education.
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Participação patrocinada
Escolha um dia ou use sua roupa cultural durante a semana de 21 a 27 de maio, compartilhando suas fotos online com o #CulturalStyleWeek
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Educação para Refugiados Reino Unido
Se você planeja realizar um evento da Cultural Style Week, considere exibir nossos códigos QR de coleção e/ou doar uma parte das vendas de ingressos para nossos parceiros de caridade.
Prometa seu apoio
Por favor, comprometa sua participação e informe-nos que você participará e enviaremos um pacote de arrecadação de fundos quando estiver pronto
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Prometa seu apoio
Por favor, comprometa sua participação e informe-nos que você participará e enviaremos um pacote de arrecadação de fundos quando estiver pronto
Pronto para doar? Clique nos links abaixo.